2024-06-27 - Bessemer HPC cluster maintenance

From July 15th, our High Performance Computing (HPC) platform, Bessemer, will undergo maintenance for one week to apply new operating system licences. Bessemer will remain in service, but any jobs running on it should be considered at risk until the maintenance period is over.

At risk period for Bessemer:

From 9am on July 15th until 5pm on July 19th.

Reason for this work

The operating system for Bessemer is reaching the end of its life, but we have purchased extended user support for its remaining lifespan. Accessing this extended user support requires us to apply new licences to the HPC.


This maintenance should be non-disruptive and no actions are required from users of the cluster.

If users encounter problems they believe may be related to this maintenance, please contact the IT Services’ Research and Innovation team.