
WARNING: From 9am on 19th August until 5pm on 2nd September there will be no access to the Stanage HPC cluster.

We will send an email to notify you when Stanage is back online and available for job submission.


The ShARC HPC cluster was decommissioned on the 30th of November 2023 at 17:00. It is no longer possible for users to access that cluster.

Using GPUs on ShARC

Requesting access to GPU facilities

Research groups also have an option to purchase and add nodes to the cluster to be managed by IT Services. For these nodes (e.g. NVIDIA DGX-1 (Computer Science)), permission from the group leader is required for access.

The node owner always has highest priority on the job queue but as a condition for the management of additional nodes on the cluster, the nodes are expected to be used as a resource for running short jobs during idle time. If you would like more information about having IT Services add and manage custom nodes, please contact

Interactive use of the GPUs

If you need to use GPUs interactively for e.g. debugging or exploratory data analysis you can start an interactive session on a GPU node with:

qrshx -l gpu=1

The -l gpu= parameter determines how many GPUs you are requesting. Currently, the maximum number of GPUs allowed per job is set to 8. Most jobs will only make use of one GPU.

Interactive sessions provide you with 2 GB of CPU RAM by default which is significantly less than the amount of GPU RAM available. This can lead to issues where your session has insufficient CPU RAM to transfer data to and from the GPU. As such, it is recommended that you request enough CPU memory to communicate properly with the GPU:

# NB Each NVIDIA K80 GPU has 12GB of onboard memory
qrshx -l gpu=1 -l rmem=13G

The above command will give you 13GB of main memory, which is 1GB more than the 12GB of GPU memory available onboard the NVIDIA K80.

Submitting batch GPU jobs

To run batch jobs on GPU nodes, ensure your job submission script includes a request for GPUs, e.g. for a single GPU:

#$ -l gpu=1

Requesting GPUs and multiple CPU cores from the scheduler

You may want to request multiple CPU cores on a single node with a certain number of GPUs per CPU core. Here is how to request four CPU cores on a node with two GPU per CPU core:

#$ -pe smp 4
#$ -l gpu=2

It is not currently possible to request:

  • more CPU cores than GPUs

    • e.g. a heterogeneous application which could use all 40 CPU cores in a given node whilst using all 8 GPUs;

  • non-multiple ratios of GPUs to CPUs

    • e.g. a heterogeneous application which uses 4 GPUs, with 1 CPU core per GPU and can additionally use CPU cores for asynchronous host work i.e. an extra 16 cores, totalling 20 CPUs.

However, such scheduler requests may be supported in future.

ShARC GPU Resources


Publicly-available GPU nodes

Research-group-specific GPU nodes:

GPU-enabled Software

Training materials