
The ShARC HPC cluster was decommissioned on the 30th of November 2023 at 17:00. It is no longer possible for users to access that cluster.


Expat is a stream-oriented XML parser library written in C. Expat excels with files too large to fit RAM, and where performance and flexibility are crucial. There are a number of applications, libraries and hardware using Expat, as well as bindings and 3rd-party wrappers.


Expat is typically loaded as an external dependency for R. Please ensure you select the matching GCC compiler versions of your version of R and the Expat libraries.


To make this library available, run one of the following:

module load libs/expat/2.2.7/gcc-4.9.4
module load libs/expat/2.2.7/gcc-8.2

Installation notes

This section is primarily for administrators of the system.

Version 2.2.7

This was compiled with GCC 8.2.0 and 4.9.4 .

  • To install Qsub this script

  • Edit the script to change the version of GCC if desired.

  • The installer script automatically creates a module file and logs.