
WARNING: From 9am on 19th August until 5pm on 2nd September there will be no access to the Stanage HPC cluster.

We will send an email to notify you when Stanage is back online and available for job submission.


The ShARC HPC cluster was decommissioned on the 30th of November 2023 at 17:00. It is no longer possible for users to access that cluster.



Only licensed users of CASTEP are entitled to use it and license details are available on CASTEP’s website. Access to CASTEP on the system is controlled using a Unix group. That is, only members of the castep group can access and run the program. To be added to this group, you will need to contact and provide evidence of your eligibility to use CASTEP.

Interactive Usage

The serial version of CASTEP should be used for interactive usage. After connecting to ShARC (see Establishing a SSH connection), start an interactive session with the qrsh or qrshx command. Make the serial version of CASTEP available using one of the following commands:

module load apps/castep/16.11/intel-15.0.7
module load apps/castep/18.1/intel-17.0.0

The CASTEP executable is called castep.serial so if you execute:


You should get the following:

castep <seedname>                : Run files <seedname>.cell [and <seedname>.param]
  "    [-d|--dryrun] <seedanme>  : Perform a dryrun calculation on files <seedname>.cell
  "    [-s|--search] <text>      : print list of keywords with <text> match in description
  "    [-v|--version]            : print version information
  "    [-h|--help] <keyword>     : describe specific keyword in <>.cell or <>.param
  "         "      all           : print list of all keywords
  "         "      basic         : print list of basic-level keywords
  "         "      inter         : print list of intermediate-level keywords
  "         "      expert        : print list of expert-level keywords
  "         "      dummy         : print list of dummy keywords

If, instead, you get:

-bash: castep.serial: command not found

It is probably because you are not a member of the castep group. See Licensing for details on how to be added to this group.

Interactive usage is fine for small CASTEP jobs such as the Silicon example given in the CASTEP Basics and Bonding tutorial.

To run this example, you can do:

# Get the files, decompress them and enter the directory containing them
tar -xvzf ./Si2.tgz
cd Si2

# Run the CASTEP job in serial
castep.serial Si2

# Read the output using the less command
less Si2.castep

CASTEP has a built in help system. To get more information on using castep use:

castep.serial -help

Alternatively you can search for help on a particular topic:

castep.serial -help search keyword

or list all of the input parameters:

castep.serial -help search all

Batch Submission - Parallel

The parallel version of CASTEP is called castep.mpi. To make the parallel environment available, use one of the following commands:

module load apps/castep/16.11/intel-15.0.7-openmpi-2.0.1
module load apps/castep/18.1/intel-17.0.0-openmpi-2.0.1

As an example of a parallel submission, we will calculate the bandstructure of graphite following the CASTEP Band Structure and DOS tutorial.

After connecting to ShARC (see Establishing a SSH connection), start an interactive session with the qrsh or qrshx command. Download and decompress the example input files with the commands:

tar -xvzf ./bandstructure.tgz

Enter the directory containing the input files for graphite:

cd bandstructure/graphite/

Create a file called submit.sge that contains the following:

#$ -pe mpi 4    # Run the calculation on 4 CPU cores
#$ -l rmem=4G   # Request 4 GB of real memory per core
module load apps/castep/16.11/intel-15.0.7-openmpi-2.0.1

mpirun castep.mpi graphite

Submit it to the system with the command:

qsub submit.sge

After the calculation has completed, get an overview of the calculation by looking at the file graphite.castep:

more graphite.castep

Installation Notes

These are primarily for system administrators.

Version 16.11

Serial (no MPI) and parallel (MPI) builds were compiled. Both builds were compiled with Intel compiler 15.0.7 (including the Intel MKL 2015.7 for BLAS and FFT routines). The parallel build was compiled using OpenMPI 2.0.1.

Both builds were installed using this script. Note that this compiles both builds in /data/$USER as the build directory must be availble to all cluster nodes to allow for subsequent Testing of the parallel build. ~2.2 GB of free space is required.

Version 18.1

Serial (no MPI) and parallel (MPI) builds were compiled. Both builds were compiled with Intel compiler 17.0.0 (including the Intel MKL 2017.0 for BLAS and FFT routines). The parallel build was compiled using OpenMPI 2.0.1.

Both builds were installed using this script.


Version 16.11, serial build

The following script was submitted via qsub from the Test subdirectory of the build directory:

#$ -l rmem=10G
module load apps/castep/16.11/intel-15.0.7

cd /scratch/$USER/castep/16.11/intel-15.0.7/serial/Test
../bin/ -q  --total-processors=1 -e castep.serial -c simple -v -v -v

All 416 tests passed. Results can be found in castep_16_11_serial_sharc_build_tests.log.

Version 16.11, parallel build

The following script was submitted via qsub from the Test subdirectory of the build directory:

#$ -pe mpi 4
#$ -l rmem=10G
module load apps/castep/16.11/intel-15.0.7-openmpi-2.0.1

../bin/ -q  --total-processors=4 --processors=4 -e castep.parallel -c simple -v -v -v

All 416 tests passed. Results can be found in castep_16_11_mpi4_sharc_build_tests.log.

Version 18.1, serial build

The following command was issued in the CASTEP-18.1 build directory during an interactive session with 16 GB of memory (qrsh -l rmem=16G):

make check

All 455 tests passed.

Version 18.1, parallel build

The following script was submitted via qsub from the Test subdirectory of the build directory:

#$ -pe mpi 4
#$ -l rmem=4G
#$ -l h_rt=48:00:00

module load apps/castep/18.1/intel-17.0.0-openmpi-2.0.1

../bin/ -q  --total-processors=4 --processors=4 -e castep.mpi -c simple -v -v -v

All 455 tests passed.