
WARNING: From 9am on 19th August until 5pm on 2nd September there will be no access to the Stanage HPC cluster.

We will send an email to notify you when Stanage is back online and available for job submission.


The ShARC HPC cluster was decommissioned on the 30th of November 2023 at 17:00. It is no longer possible for users to access that cluster.

NAG Fortran Compiler

The NAG Fortran Compiler is robust, highly tested, and valued by developers all over the globe for its checking capabilities and detailed error reporting. The Compiler is available on Unix platforms as well as for Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac platforms. It has extensive support for both legacy and modern Fortran features, and also supports parallel programming with OpenMP.

Making the NAG Compiler available

After connecting to ShARC (see Establishing a SSH connection), start an interactive sesssion with the qrshx command. To make a version of the NAG Fortran Compiler available:

module load dev/NAG/7.1

Older versions (6.0, 6.1 & 6.2) are deprecated.

Compilation examples

To compile the Fortran hello world example into an executable called hello using the NAG compiler:

nagfor hello.f90 -o hello

Detailed Documentation

Once you’ve run one of the NAG Compiler module command, man documentation is available:

man nagfor

Extensive documentation including the differences between versions can be found on NAG’s website.

Installation Notes

The following notes are primarily for system administrators:


Add the license key(s) to /usr/local/packages/dev/NAG/license.lic.

The license key needs to be updated annually before 31st July.

The NAG compiler environment modules (see below) set the environment variable $NAG_KUSARI_FILE to the path to this file.

Version 7.1

  1. Perform an unattended install using this script. The software will be installed into /usr/local/packages/dev/NAG/7.1.

  2. Install this modulefile as /usr/local/modulefiles/dev/NAG/7.1

  3. Test the installation by compiling and building a sample Fortran 90 program

    module load dev/NAG/7.1
    nagfor -o /tmp/f90_util /usr/local/packages/dev/NAG/7.1/lib/NAG_Fortran/f90_util.f90

Version 6.2

  1. Perform an unattended install using this script. The software will be installed into /usr/local/packages/dev/NAG/6.2.

  2. Install this modulefile as /usr/local/modulefiles/dev/NAG/6.2

  3. Test the installation by compiling and building a sample Fortran 90 program

    module load dev/NAG/6.2
    nagfor -o /tmp/f90_util /usr/local/packages/dev/NAG/6.2/lib/NAG_Fortran/f90_util.f90

Version 6.1

  1. Perform an unattended install using this script. The software will be installed into /usr/local/packages/dev/NAG/6.1.

  2. Install this modulefile as /usr/local/modulefiles/dev/NAG/6.1

  3. Test the installation by compiling and building a sample Fortran 90 program

    module load dev/NAG/6.1
    nagfor -o /tmp/f90_util /usr/local/packages/dev/NAG/6.1/lib/NAG_Fortran/f90_util.f90

Version 6.0

First, run the following

mkdir -p $media_dir

wget -c $tarball_url -P $media_dir

mkdir -m 2775 -p $prefix
chown -R $USER:app-admins $prefix

mkdir -p $tmp_dir
pushd $tmp_dir
tar -zxf $media_dir/$tarball
pushd NAG_Fortran-amd64/

Next, run the interactive install script


Accept the license and answer the questions as follows:

  • Install compiler binaries to where? [/usr/local/bin]? /usr/local/packages/dev/NAG/6.0/bin/

  • Install compiler library files to where? /usr/local/packages/dev/NAG/6.0/lib/NAG_Fortran

  • Install compiler man page to which directory? /usr/local/packages/dev/NAG/6.0/man/man1

  • Suffix for compiler man page [1] leave as default

  • Install module man pages to which directory? /usr/local/packages/dev/NAG/6.0/man/man3

  • Suffix for module man pages [3]? leave as default

Install this modulefile as /usr/local/modulefiles/dev/NAG/6.0

Finally, test the installation by compiling and building a sample Fortran 90 program

module load dev/NAG/6.0
nagfor -o /tmp/f90_util /usr/local/packages/dev/NAG/6.0/lib/NAG_Fortran/f90_util.f90