
The ShARC HPC cluster was decommissioned on the 30th of November 2023 at 17:00. It is no longer possible for users to access that cluster.


sbt is a build tool for Scala, Java, and more.

Interactive Usage

After connecting to the cluster, start an interactive session.

Load a particular version of sbt using:

module load dev/sbt/0.13.13

This makes the sbt command available to your session.

You will also need to load a version of Java. For example

module load apps/java/jdk1.8.0_102/binary

Installation notes

These are primarily for administrators of the system.

sbt 0.13.13 was installed as follows

cp /usr/local/media/sbt/sbt-0.13.13.tgz .
tar -xvzf ./sbt-0.13.13.tgz
cd sbt-launcher-packaging-0.13.13/
mkdir -p /usr/local/packages/dev/sbt/0.13.13
mv ./* /usr/local/packages/dev/sbt/0.13.13

Installation Media

  • The install tarball is on the system at /usr/local/media/sbt/sbt-0.13.13.tgz

Module files

  • The module file is on the system at /usr/local/modulefiles/dev/sbt/0.13.13

  • On github: 0.13.13.