
WARNING: From 9am on 19th August until 5pm on 2nd September there will be no access to the Stanage HPC cluster.

We will send an email to notify you when Stanage is back online and available for job submission.


The ShARC HPC cluster was decommissioned on the 30th of November 2023 at 17:00. It is no longer possible for users to access that cluster.

OpenMPI (pgi version)

The Open MPI Project is an open source Message Passing Interface implementation that is developed and maintained by a consortium of academic, research, and industry partners. Open MPI is therefore able to combine the expertise, technologies, and resources from all across the High Performance Computing community in order to build the best MPI library available. Open MPI offers advantages for system and software vendors, application developers and computer science researchers.


You can load a specific version using

module load mpi/openmpi/4.0.1/pgi-19.5
module load mpi/openmpi/2.0.1/pgi-17.5

This also loads the relevant version of the PGI compiler (17.5 in this case).

See here for a brief guide to the new features in OpenMPI 4.x and here for a detailed view of the changes between OpenMPI versions.


Example programs are available in the $MPI_HOME/examples/ directory.

To compile and run these programs: copy that directory to your home directory, start an interactive MPI-aware session on a worker node, activate the version of OpenMPI you wish to use, compile the examples then run them.

In more detail

# Connect to ShARC
ssh user@sharc

# Start an interactive session from which we can run MPI processes using a core on each of four nodes
qrsh -pe mpi 4

# Load an MPI implementation
module load mpi/openmpi/2.0.1/pgi-17.5

# Copy the examples to your home directory
cp -r $MPI_HOME/examples ~/openmpi_2.0.1_examples

# Compile all programs in the examples directory
cd ~/openmpi_2.0.1_examples

# Once compiled, run an example program on all (or a subset) of your MPI nodes using the mpirun utility
 mpirun -np 4 hello_c

Hello, world, I am 0 of 4, (Open MPI v2.0.1, package: Open MPI Distribution, ident: 2.0.1, repo rev: v2.0.0-257-gee86e07, Sep 02, 2016, 141)
Hello, world, I am 1 of 4, (Open MPI v2.0.1, package: Open MPI Distribution, ident: 2.0.1, repo rev: v2.0.0-257-gee86e07, Sep 02, 2016, 141)
Hello, world, I am 2 of 4, (Open MPI v2.0.1, package: Open MPI Distribution, ident: 2.0.1, repo rev: v2.0.0-257-gee86e07, Sep 02, 2016, 141)
Hello, world, I am 3 of 4, (Open MPI v2.0.1, package: Open MPI Distribution, ident: 2.0.1, repo rev: v2.0.0-257-gee86e07, Sep 02, 2016, 141)

Installation notes

These are primarily for administrators of the system.

Version 4.0.1, PGI 19.5

  1. Download, compile and install OpenMPI 4.0.1 using this script

  2. Install this modulefile as /usr/local/modulefiles/mpi/openmpi/4.0.1/pgi-19.5

Version 2.0.1, PGI 17.5

  1. Download, compile and install OpenMPI 2.0.1 using this script

  2. Install this modulefile as /usr/local/modulefiles/mpi/openmpi/2.0.1/pgi-17.5