Hybrid SMP / MPI


If you want to distribute work between a large number of cores (e.g. >16) on ShARC then the most common approach is MPI, as described here. The default MPI setup on ShARC does not ensure that your MPI job is assigned the same number of CPU cores per node. However in certain cases you may want a symmetric distribution of of cores: you may want eight MPI processes, each of which internally parallelises work using four OpenMP threads, which would run optimally if each process were assigned four cores on a node (possibly running multiple processes on a node).

Usage on ShARC

Support for Hybrid SMP/MPI is in the preliminary stages. Here is an example job submission for an executable that combines SMP (specifically OpenMP) with MPI:

#$ -pe mpi-smp-16 64
#$ -l rmem=2G
module load mpi/openmpi/4.0.1/gcc-8.2
mpirun -bynode -np 4 -cpus-per-proc 16 [executable + options]

There would be 4 MPI processes running, each with 16x 2GB of real memory shared between the 16 threads per MPI process, for a total of 64 x 2GB of real memory for the entire job. When we tried this, we got warnings saying that the -cpus-per-proc was getting deprecated. A quick google suggests that

mpirun -np 4 --map-by node:pe=1 [executable + options]

would be the appropriate replacement.

Here, -pe mpi-smp-16 64 means ‘request 64 slots (CPU cores) from the scheduler using the mpi-smp-16 Parallel Environment’. This Parallel Environment ensure that the slots are assigned to nodes in groups of 16.

More Parallel Environments for Hybrid SMP/MPI (e.g. for requesting slots in multiples of e.g. 4 or 8) can be added on request.

Note that the number of cores you request should be wholely divisible by the number in the name of the Parallel Environment you use.