ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite for Linux/Unix.


  • The University of Sheffield ANSYS licence servers currently only support ANSYS EM 2020 R1 or higher.


ANSYS users can now use a maximum of 400 concurrent cores, across all devices on campus, including personal machines and HPC clusters, and regardless of the number of ANSYS applications they have open. Please see ANSYS license restrictions for more detail.


ANSYSEM software can be loaded using the following module commands:

$ module use /opt/apps/testapps/precompiled-el7/modules/staging
$ module load ANSYSEM/21.2/binary

The ANSYSEM executable is ansysedt.

Batch jobs

The following is an example batch submission script which is submitted to the queue by typing sbatch

#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2G
#SBATCH --job-name=test_job
#SBATCH --output=test_output
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

module use /opt/apps/testapps/precompiled-el7/modules/staging
module load ANSYSEM/21.2/binary

ansysedt -ng -BatchSolve -Distributed -machinelist num=$SLURM_NTASKS -batchoptions 'HPCLicenseType'='pool' -useElectronicsPPE Tee.aedt

The script requests 4 cores with a runtime of 30 mins and 2 GB of real memory per core. The Ansys EM input file is Tee.aedt and batch options 'HPCLicenseType'='pool' to change the HPC licencing from “pack” (the default) to “pool”.


  • The University of Sheffield ANSYS licence servers currently only support ANSYS EM 2020 R1 or higher.

  • The -useElectronicsPPE argument is required if you are using the University of Sheffield ANSYS licence server however if you are using an alternative licencing method (e.g. a flat-file) and one of the older modules this option is unlikely to be required.

  • If you are using an older module the batch options may need adjusting from -batchoptions 'HPCLicenseType'='pool' to project type specific options click here and see post 4.

  • If you are using commercial licenses the use of -batchoptions 'HPCLicenseType'='pack' is likely compulsory.

Installation notes

ANSYSEM was installed using the installer (not EasyBuild). Note: exact installation procedure to be updated at RHEL9 upgrade.