
WARNING: From 9am on 19th August until 5pm on 2nd September there will be no access to the Stanage HPC cluster.

We will send an email to notify you when Stanage is back online and available for job submission.

Getting an Account

Before you can start using the clusters you must first request HPC access. HPC access allows usage of all of our clusters (Stanage and Bessemer).

For Staff

HPC access is made available for staff by request via the HPC access request form which can be found at the IT Service Desk Self Service Portal under the option Service Request Forms.

We recommend that staff also complete the HPC Driving License test. (The VPN must be connected for access.)

For Students

The following categories of students can also have HPC access with the permission of their supervisors:

  • Research Postgraduates

  • Taught Postgraduates - for project work

  • Undergraduates 3rd & 4th year - for project work

To be granted HPC access, all students must first pass the HPC Driving License test. (The VPN must be connected for access.)

Following this, they should request that their academic supervisor fill in the HPC access request form which can be found at the IT Service Desk Self Service Portal under the option Service Request Forms.

Once you have been granted HPC access by the service desk, you can use your normal Sheffield login credentials to connect to the clusters.

For further details on how to connect to the clusters please read the section on how to connect to the clusters.

Conditions for HPC access / usage


You must not share your account credentials or allow others to run jobs using your account. Any misuse of accounts will be investigated in accordance with the University of Sheffield’s IT Code of Practice.

As a multiple user shared system, our clusters have some additional considerations in comparison to other IT Services provided at the University of Sheffield. Although we have strived to ensure that a robust baseline of security is in place suitable for the HPC community, we are aware that regulatory bodies and our research partners are asking for increasingly stringent security controls that the HPC may not have in place.


The High Performance Computing service should not be used to store or process sensitive information. For example: medical records, personal information, financial data, commercially sensitive or any other form of restricted data without first discussing your requirements with IT Services.

Due to the complexity of the multi-user High Performance Computing service, the service is not currently certified as being compliant with the Cyber Essentials, Cyber Essentials Plus or ISO 27001 schemes/standards. This is unlikely to change in future.

Extra care should always be taken when dealing with sensitive information; if you are in any doubt about the sensitivity of information, or how it should be handled, then please contact IT Services for advice.