
WARNING: From 9am on 19th August until 5pm on 2nd September there will be no access to the Stanage HPC cluster.

We will send an email to notify you when Stanage is back online and available for job submission.

Advanced Job Profiling and Analysis


For majority of the users the Job Submission and Control page and the output log files you produce should suffice in analysing the perfomance of a batch job. This section is for users who want an even more granular view of the perfomance of their batch jobs by observing what is happening on the node their job is running.


Since your job has a fixed set of memory and CPU resources, carrying out resource hungry operations might lead to the scheduler killing your batch job due to errors like out of memory.

Abuse of this feature to carry out tasks that are not profiling and perfomance analysis of your running batch job might lead to your account being suspended.

Accessing a Running Single-Node Slurm Batch job

In some cases, you might want to interact with a batch job in the RUNNING state (e.g. for fault-finding, debugging or profiling purposes). You can start an interactive session within the resource allocation (memory and CPU cores on particular nodes) associated with the job with:

srun --jobid=<JOBID> --pty /usr/bin/bash

The command creates a new Job Step in the batch job with ID <JOBID> and starts an interactive bash shell session within that Job Step, allowing you to interact with the resources allocated to that job.

If all the allocated CPU resources are already used, srun will prohibit the new Job Step access to those resources. However, the argument --overlap can be passed to srun to allow Job Steps to share access to those resources.

srun --jobid=<JOBID> --overlap --pty /usr/bin/bash

Once you are in the interactive session you can see the process IDs associated with your job by typing:

scontrol listpids |grep <JOBID>


ps -u $USER

Start profiling and analysing the perfomance of the node and the job by using commands such as:





Accessing a Running Multi-Node Slurm Batch job

In the scenario you are running a multi-node Slurm job you can use squeue to see the nodes your job is using:

squeue --me

Example output:

squeue --me

    860638 sheffield    user123  R    1:28:01      1 node301
    830209 sheffield    user123  R 2-18:45:36      1 node087
    831510 sheffield    user123  R 2-02:08:04      4 node[075-078]

Once you have the list of nodes you can specify the nodes you want the interactive session to launch on by using --nodelist=<NODELIST>.

srun --jobid=<JOBID> --nodelist=<Node Name>  --overlap --pty /usr/bin/bash