Ansys LS-DYNA is the industry-leading explicit simulation software used for applications like drop tests, impact and penetration, smashes and crashes, occupant safety, and more.

ANSYS LS-DYNA can make use of built in MPI to utilize multiple cross node CPU and can scale to hundreds of cores.


ANSYS users can now use a maximum of 400 concurrent cores, across all devices on campus, including personal machines and HPC clusters, and regardless of the number of ANSYS applications they have open. Please see ANSYS license restrictions for more detail.

module load ANSYS/2023R2
module load ANSYS/2023R1
module load ANSYS/2022R2
module load ANSYS/19.2

Interactive jobs

While using a X11 GUI forwarding supported SSH client, an interactive session can be started on Stanage as linked above. You can load an ANSYS module above and then use the LS-DYNA executables as below. To use more than a single core, you should write a batch job script like one of the examples below.

The following code can be used in an interactive session to launch a single core ANSYS LS-DYNA process:

module load ANSYS/2023R2

#Set license type and LM server
export LSTC_LICENSE_FILE=network

# Add the LS-DYNA executables to the PATH
export PATH=$ANSYSPATH/ansys/bin/linx64/:$PATH

# Add the MPI executables and libs to the PATH / LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# Depending on ANSYS version the MPI paths may require changing.
export PATH=$ANSYSPATH/commonfiles/MPI/Intel/2021.8.0/linx64/bin/:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ANSYSPATH/commonfiles/MPI/Intel/2021.8.0/linx64/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

# Setup my variables
# lsdyna_sp.e is for LS-DYNA single precision.
# lsdyna_dp.e is for LS-DYNA double precision.

lsdyna_dp.e i=i.k memory=50m ncpu=$SLURM_NTASKS

Batch jobs

ANSYS LS-DYNA is capable of running in parallel on a single node or across multiple nodes and this is facilitated by MPI.

Single-Node & Multi-Node Batch Job Scripts

Create a Slurm submission script called containing:

#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --mem=4000
#SBATCH --job-name=ANSYS-LSDYNA-MPI-Example
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

#Only load ANSYS
module load ANSYS/2023R2

#Set license type and LM server
export LSTC_LICENSE_FILE=network

# Add the LS-DYNA executables to the PATH
export PATH=$EBROOTANSYS/v232/ansys/bin/linx64/:$PATH

# Add the MPI executables and libs to the PATH / LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# Depending on ANSYS version the MPI paths may require changing.
export PATH=$EBROOTANSYS/v232/commonfiles/MPI/Intel/2021.8.0/linx64/bin/:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$EBROOTANSYS/v232/commonfiles/MPI/Intel/2021.8.0/linx64/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

srun hostname | awk -F '.' '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2 ":" $1}' > $MACHINEFILE

# Setup my variables
# lsdyna_sp_mpp.e is for LS-DYNA single precision massively parallel.
# lsdyna_dp_mpp.e is for LS-DYNA double precision massively parallel.


#Run your LS-DYNA work below:
mpirun -hostfile $MACHINEFILE $SOLVER i=$INPUT memory=$MEMORY

Further details about how to construct batch jobs can be found in the batch submission guide.

The job is submitted to the queue by entering the command:


ANSYS LS-DYNA training and help resources


Academic support requests should be directed to the IT Services’ Research and Innovation team or the ANSYS Learning Forum (ensure you register with your University email for priority support).

ANSYS provides numerous academic training and help resources including tutorials, video lectures and examples. A short list of these resources is summarised below:


Due to the limited number of licenses available if issues are encountered with running jobs please check the logs to see if the program is indicating an insufficient number of available licenses. If this is the case, please resubmit your job until it runs.

For other issues or if you wish to purchase some reserved licenses please contact IT Services.

If desired to perform post modelling analysis etc… the ANSYS Workbench GUI executable can be launched with the runwb2 command, from within a flight session.